Friday, July 10, 2009

Microformats: Reuse, don't reinvent

Orbitz engineer Mark Meeker has an introduction to microformats with examples

This is one of the best introductions I have found.

I found this Even Bill Gates wants you to use Microformats.

After some reflection, it seems that building an open source object model based upon hCard for people and organizations, hCalendar for events and rel-tags could be useful for many projects. How often do you end up reinventing classes for people, addresses and so on? With rel tags, you could define all sorts of relationships between people and institutions: you can add 'subsidiary', 'employee', 'retailer' and build all sorts of models for a wide range of business needs. If there was a simple object model, with some basic implementations in a few key frameworks, you could start coding from that rather than from scratch. This would also be useful for learning and comparing frameworks. Presumably, you could get a REST implementation, an XHTML view, and a WS-* web services almost free. You would also get the services in a format that would help others build mash-ups with your data.

Monday, July 6, 2009

The Story of REST: Representational State Transfer

Joe Gregario has provided a lucid description of REST at YouTube.
He has also provided a companion video on the Atom Publishing Protocol, which is described in the Wikipedia article on Rest is described as a canonical RESTful protocol. So Atom provides a great example of a real-world system that uses REST and Joe describes it clearly.

If you want a clear understanding of how to use Rest, this may be your best use of half an hour. If all you want to do is to grok Rest, Ryan Tomayako's How I Explained RESR To My Wife is a classic, and it only takes five to ten minutes.

If you have more time and really want to understand in greater detail, there is Roy Thomas Fielding's dissertation, Architectural Styles and
the Design of Network-based Software Architectures

For an actual implementation of a REST service, I am keen to use Grails. Grails has build-in support for REST. Grails also offers content negotiation. In HTTP, part of the request is a specification of the media type. Using content negotiation, the user agent can specify which format it prefers. This means that a URL for a person could return a portrait as image/jpeg, a hcard page via text/html, the vcard data as text/json, text/plain, text/xml, or text-plain. You could also use content negotiation to specify the language for the response. Suddenly URL seems to be the locator for a universal resource, as well as being the universal locator of a resource.

While it may be feasible to support multiple mime types at a single URL, it is not trivial to provide multiple representations of the same item. Even converting between two apparently similar data format has surprising complexity, as discussed in
Convert Atom documents to JSON at IBM Developer Works. The Developer Works also has a series of papers on Grails, which has specific examples of using Grails with Atom syndication.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

What HTTP reveals about your browser.

When surfing the web, is easy to feel that you are a relatively anonymous consumer of content. However, the HTTP traffic between your browser and the web server is a two way street. Henrik Gemal has provided which has a series of queries that find our more about your browser than you probably know. Much of this information is potentially quite useful to the web site. The classic example is the HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING header that tells the server if your browser can accept compressed data. This can significantly reduce the size of a page. The other classic use is to identify Internet Explorer, the bane of JavaScript and CSS authors. But this is just the start. By knowing which version of Flash is installed, YouTube can warn you if you need to upgrade to view their video content. By sensing color depth and window size, a web site could determine an optimum image for me. This would be especially useful on a mobile device, where throughput and CPU limit battery life.

I would really like it if the geolocation information could be used to set the default country, state and city in web forms. In my case, the geolocation would have gotten me to Iowa, but would have placed me in Hiawatha rather than Marion. There is another geolocation demo that gets closer, but is still off by about 3 miles. I would like to be able to set a location, address and hcard info and have the option of using that on web forms. I would encourage more browser providers to support the navigator.geolocation object in the W3C Geolocation API.

But in my opinion, the scary information is from a CSS Exploit page. This exploit has been covered today in Slashdot. Web 2.o Collage will produce a collection of favicons of sites you have visited. What is most surprising to me is that this exploit by Brendon Boshell doesn't even require JavaScript. He has a Javascript version as well, which he describes in detail. So, unless you use one of the 'stealth modes' that don't record history, anyone can be checking to see if you have visited a particular site. Think about how that could facilitate a phishing attack.