Today, I listened to Joseph M Hellerstein's Keynote address at ACM PODS 2010, The Declarative Imperative: Experiences and Conjectures in Distributed Logic. The slides are also available. He uses Daedalus, a derivative of Datalog. Datalog is, syntactically, a subset of Prolog. Hellerstein also addresses the concurrency conundrum, a.k.a., the Programming Crisis by retelling children's classics
“The sky is falling! The sky is falling! Computers won’t get any faster unless programmers learn to write parallel code!” squawked Chicken Licken.
Henny Penny clucked in agreement: “Worse, there is Cloud Computing on the horizon, and it requires programmers to write parallel AND distributed code!”
This is more fun than your average academic talk. Of course, he then goes on to provide his solution to the programming crisis. He shows how Datalog has been used to solve a series of practical problems in computer science.
The solutions Hellerstein expounds rely upon declarative programming in Datalog variants. He describes a series of practical code for distributed crawlers, networking protocols, query optimizers, distributed file systems and a map-reduce scheduler. What is as impressive as the breadth of topics is his claim that his declarative solutions have code bases that are orders of magnitude smaller that existing, imperative solutions.
His code samples describe solving problems with a time dependence that evolves in steps, like a turn-based game. This was a little disconcerting to a physicist, since we like to think about time as continuous, still it was interesting to find a computer scientist shift from 'practical' solutions to a rather abstract discussion on the meaning of time and causality. At this point, I am starting to think about the InfoQ talk by Rich Hicky on Persistent Data Structures and Managed References.
From a Prolog beginning, Ericsson developed Erlang. Erlang is having a renaissance that is leading to high concurrency solutions for web programming. Next, we have Hellerstein using Datalog to address the programming crisis. Where are the imperative, OO solutions? Declarative logic & functional programming - are these the tools that will lead out out the the programming crisis?